This is where I take my classes, 5 hours a day, in Polish. I've been thrown into the deep end of the pool, with 6 other students from Croatia, Germany, Great Britain and America. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. I self-selected into a slightly less strenuous class than the one at the UW to get more practice speaking and listening to familiar material. Not quite as exciting, but it will provide a solid foundation for future progress.Those are bars, not shoji; the doors are metal and it's immaculate, but very functional. This part of the Jagiellonian is not as gorgeous as the medieval bit but it was built as a land-grant college and has some great Communist art, like the Lenin in Fremont but more basic, miners, woodsmen, amazingly kitschy stuff.
The rain has finally stopped and it's cooler and quite pleasant, good thing because the homework is strenuous, too.
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